Plants are by far my favorite home accessory. They will literally liven up your space (plants are alive people, they even enjoy classical music. Look it up) add so much texture, and provide your space with a pop of color.
After unintentionally murdering several succulents I was hesitant to get back into the plant game, but when I found a baby fiddle leaf fig tree at Home Depot I couldn’t resist. I’m SO glad I picked up this little buddy because hes grown at least three feet in two years. I am now completely addicted to growing indoor plants. I literally have a jungle growing in the corner of my living room, I’m sure my room mate will organize and intervention if I bring home any more.
Plants are not just pretty things we can put in our home to add a bit of color, they are actually PROVEN to improve health, give you a better nights sleep, and add awesome flavor to home cooked meals. OK, so now that were all on the plant loving train its time to highlight some of my favorites. Keep reading for my suggestions on the best indoor plants for each room in your abode.
Kicking of the plant home tour in the room where all the magic happens (any MTV Cribs fans in the house?), otherwise known as the bedroom. Did you know there are quite a few plants that are actually proven to give you a good nights sleep?

Aloe Vera, Snake plant, and the Spider plant all act as air purifiers. They actually clean the air by emitting large amounts of oxygen at night which has been proven to improve sleep. If a more restful sleep is what you’re looking for then one of these three plants would be the perfect addition to your bedroom decor.

Moving right along to the bathroom. The bathroom is one space you might overlook when it comes to indoor plants, but it can actually be the perfect spot for a low maintenance green buddy. Because bathrooms tend to fill up with steam as we shower the moisture covers the plants and they wont need to be watered as often. One question to ask yourself before you run out and buy a new shower buddy is does your bathroom have natural light? If you live in an apartment like I do, your bathroom will most likely not have any windows. Unfortunately your shower buddy could end up in the grave along with my dearly departed succulents. There are quite a range of plants that can survive off of little light, but unless you’re trying to grow mushrooms in your home plants do need a daily dose of Mr. Sun.

Picking plants for the living room all comes down to personal preference. The fiddle leaf fig has been popular for a number of years because they have very large green leaves and are fairly easy to take care of (If i can manage to keep mine alive, so can you). I’ve also noticed a growing popularity in banana trees, indoor palms, and birds of paradise.
Large scale indoor plants work well for living rooms. Something that can be in a floor pot and will grow tall will have the most impact on your space. These will bring the most color and life to your living room.

Now you know my go-to indoor plants, what are yours? Let me know in the comments below!