Easy Candle Bending DIY

This simple DIY candle bending project was so fun to make. After seeing a few viral candle twisting videos on TikTok I knew I had to try it for myself. And guys – it was so much fun! I love turning something simple into a unique statement and thats exactly what candle bending is. The possibilities are endless with this easy candle bending craft idea and as you can see I got a little carried away. Before I knew it I had spent the entire afternoon making my very own twisted candle village. Keep reading to learn exactly how to make your own (and avoid the HUGE mistakes made)

DIY candle bending turns dollar store tapered candles into fun sculptural statements.

Related post: DIY Air Dry Clay Chain Link Coffee Table Decor

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What You’ll Need:

  1. Tapered candles (Something like these)
  2. Large vase
  3. Rolling pin (optional)

Buying The Right Candles

DIY twisted candle craft idea turns regular tapered candles into unique candles!

While this simple DIY project is basically fool proof, there is one huge mistake you should avoid. The biggest mistake I made when creating my twisted candles was buying the wrong type of candle. Make sure the candles you are buying are one solid color (not dipped). Basically you want one consistent wax material, not a candle that has a 2nd layer of wax coating on the outside. I found out the hard way that the outer layer of wax and the inner wax core have different melting points – resulting in a huge mess. So be careful when purchasing your candles that you’ve got the right kind or you’ll end up with a bunch of plain taper candles that are unusable.

Avoid this HUGE mistake when making your twisted candles. *Hint: you need to buy a certain type of candle!
This is what happens if you buy the wrong kind of candle…. OOPS! Live and learn!

Step 1: Prepare The Hot Water

Place your tapered candle in hot water for 15 minuets until they are soft enough to bend into fun shapes!

The first step is preparing the hot water. The hot water will soften the candle to a point where it can be bended and moulded into any shape! Fill up your vase with hot water – high enough for the candle to be completely submerged. Some people use their kitchen sink instead of a vase. I tried this technique as well, but found it to be less successful because half of the candle is exposed to the air. You really want the candle completely submerged so an equal heat is applied all around the candle.

*CAUTION* Do not use boiling water. Your candles will completely melt and be ruined. Hot water from your tap should work just fine!

Step 2: Wait For The Candle To Soften

The hardest part of this DIY candle bending project is waiting! Let your candle sit in the hot water for at least 15 minuets. If you take it out too early the tapered candle will crack when you try to bend it. You might find that you need to add more hot water to the vase as you wait and thats totally fine! You’ll know the candles are ready when they naturally have a bend from being in the hot water. The candle should be malleable after around 15 minuets – then its time to start bending and twisting!

Step 3: Bend Your Candle

Finally time for the fun part! Bending and twisting your candle. You can really experiment with this candle bending craft, so use your imagination and go crazy! I tried many different techniques and I absolutely love them all. Bending, rolling, twisting, wrapping, swirling looping – anything! Just have fun! 

Fun and easy DIY candle bending and candle twisting techniques!

And this is what my bended candle village looks like. I absolutely loved this craft and I hope it inspires you to try and make your own. What a fun dining table centrepiece for dinner parties!

Create unique sculptural bent and twisted candles using this super easy DIY tutorial.